
I really can’t stand modern Final Fantasy’s style-over-substance combat systems. To me, they’ve missed half the point of remaking it if we can’t have that sweet sweet ATB.

Let’s ask another question: what do we want Barret to be like? I want to avoid stereotypes, but I also want his voice to convey the core facets of his character: passion, guilt, duty, paternal love, anger, leadership. I’ll wait until I hear a bit more before I pass judgement.

My brother and I were 9 and 10 when we got the first Sims game when it was new, so I suppose you could say we were early adopters of it. Had a ball with it introducing it to all our friends and relatives; our mum ended up playing it more than we did. The big change moving to The Sims 2 was not the 3D environments but

Inquisition’s characters resonated on so many levels, not because of “Bioware magic” but because they were lovingly written, beautifully performed and respected by the scope of the game. Ramon Tikaram’s performance as Dorian in the scene with his father stayed with me for a long time. People might have mixed feelings

2008 Chrome and Gmail were some of the sleekest, sweetest user experiences around. In 2019, Chrome is bloated to all hell and Gmail is a laybrinthine example of an email service that seems to change whenever I log into it. Strange how what was once these their greatest selling point gradually became their biggest

I’ve stayed far away from the likes of Alexa for these very reasons. It’s been eminently obvious from the start how these things might be used. Learning at one point last year that I’d visited a friend’s house and it’d heard and recorded everything I’d been saying was an unwelcome bit of validation.

That’s really sweet, and says something positive about humans I think. But it has to be moderated by Steam’s new review vetting system just like negative review bombs are.

I really couldn’t stand the general tone of FFX-2, especially coming off of FFX which stands as one of my favourite games of all time. But the combat is a goddamn masterpiece, the apex of the well-iterated ATB format, with a tactical job system layered over it more elegantly than FFXIII could ever manage.


We lost Dick Dale last month, but he left behind some really cool music.

See, Rey not having noteworthy parentage doesn’t bother me. I think it’s a good part of her character to move away from that dependency. My problems with TLJ can’t really be retconned, like Finn’s incongruous detour to the Fifth Element planet, the repeated waste of Captain Phasma or the way that Poe organised a

There are some really cool people in that community, and even though I don’t follow Pokemon regularly I’ve been subscribed to a few of them for years. I heard about these events a couple of days ago and was shocked and saddened. They always seemed so tight-knit, with collabs, in-jokes and shout-outs galore; I dearly

“That’s okay, I’ve been punched a few times today.”

Thank you again for your dilligence, Jason, and thank you to everybody at BioWare and EA who put so many hours into their games, however they turned out.

I asked the Amplitude guys and they said they did ask the real Pluke Lunkett first if it was ok to use his alter-ego’s name on their trailer. Luke, do a let’s play of Love Thyself!

Jedi Knight was my first ever computer game. I would totally go for this. Wonder what happened to the attempts to remake it in the Quake III engine...

This really doesn’t bother me, but I’m surprised that Square didn’t anticipate it given their previous history with gender-locked races.

One-armed wolf still has an overwhelming limb advantage.

It’s often said Bioware has one of the most passionate fanbases in the business. On the internet, that means they have one of the worst. The Bioware fans I meet in real life are incredibly cool people, but whatever stratum appears of them online was for years one of the most toxic I’d seen for a single player game

Horizon: Something Else probably.