
I played loads of Oblivion but to me it’s still the weak link in The Elder Scrolls. It failed to capture the unique magic of Morrowind, favouring a very safe, colourful medieval Europe art style, and the easily-exploited leveling system meant that it was both advantageous to stay weak and immersion-breaking when you

Windows 10 is working okay for me but I’ve yet to see how it’s an upgrade from Windows 7. It’s nice enough aesthetically, but having to tell it it can’t spy on me and put all my usage data on the internet was galling. The update process seems more janky too.

When I was about 11, I brought Rebellion’s manual to a cricket match. It was like a bloody novel. I didn’t really understand or enjoy cricket at the time and I figured I’d dig into one kind of esotericism over another that day.

I LOVED 1998's Rebellion, and I’m glad I wasn’t the only one. I’m impressed by how well the tabletop game has managed to nail down some of its central ideas.

Two months ago Kinja blogs couldn’t shut up about Ronda Rousey. Oh how quickly the tables turn.

I don’t think it should surprise anyone that Microsoft wants to establish a greater level of control here. It’ll take far too long to gain traction against the likes of Steam though.

Damn you to hell Nintendo, for making my perfectly good original 3DS just not good enough anymore.

What happens if someone grabs Mewtwo by that handle on its back?

Could someone please tell Square Enix?

THE only thing I remember about this game is that the official Playstation magazine gave it 10/10 and I thought, “maybe I should play that sometime”.

Game looks awesome to me.

It’s rather funny/sad that this is the exception that proves the rule, and that we’re all keeping an eye on it because we think it really is a mistake.

My wife and I are getting ready to adopt a rescue cat of about six months. He’s been wandering around the back yards of retirement homes, scraping a living. I guess I can consider myself duly warned.

A little down on disposable income this month, I’ve gone back to play X3 Terran Conflict, my favourite space sim. It’s a whole different beast from the disappointing Rebirth and, despite lacking the storyline of its immediate predecessor, has superior gameplay. It has a nice high level of complexity and awesome depth,

So... is that good?

Capcom should be able to easily track those who go to the menu and quit the match. Tracking those who turn off the system is slightly harder. As is, by nature, connection loss.

Wow, I’ve said this before. Whoops :P

Charmander is a lizard. Squirtle is a turtle. Bulbasaur is... what the hell is Bulbasaur? It’s a monster. A cute monster with awesome powers that’s reliable and solid instead of flashy. Masuda has it right, it exemplifies what pokemon is about.

Brilliantly put. A different interpretation of a character is not intrinsically a worse interpretation, and the light we view it in will change over time. This is something comics have had to deal with for almost a century, as their characters and arcs have been continually reinterpreted and reincarnated. They must

Be careful not to eat those cross-sections, Luke. Wait, Mass Effect? Whut?