
Races appear to have evolved different levels of morality; this has important social consequences.

like who?

First of all Sharapova doesn't have limited skill. She is ranked in the top 5 tennis players in the world. Of course Serena is the best tennis player ever. No shame in losing to the best ever. Venus loses to Serena all the time. And yes, Maria is better looking than Serena. Not because she;s white but she;s just more

Black women, I am really beginning to be perplexed as to what route
you are taking and what goals you are trying to achieve with your off
key, strange and outlandish behaviour. You black women who see sense and
who are not part of the ratchet clic had better start speaking out for
yourselves, separating yourselves

So let me get this right, the people who created cinema (white men),
invented Hollywood, invented the artform and every innovation related to
filmmaking (white men), don’t get to control the art form they created?
The fact is the best filmmakers of the past and present have always been white and
Asian men. That’s a

what's the problem with nominating mostly white for awards? The thing is you don't know anything about cinema and you want to play race police.