Journey into Mystery

Diamond Rings - "Runaway Love"

Elton Motello - "Jet Boy Jet Girl"

You mean that single link to snippets of an interview? That doesn't exactly give a timeline, nor does it contradict her dropping out of high school to pursue a music career. Still don't see how that would make her an expert on contracts at 18.


You seem pretty hung up on her having signed a contract, but nobody
seems at all concerned that she first got involved with Dr. Luke when
she was 17, when he convinced her to drop out of high school to pursue a
music career with him.

As a college kid, I can safely say that most people I know have at least a vague awareness of Sarah Silverman — I think you're both underestimating how old we would have been when vlogs and Vine became popular.

When I first saw the trailer for this I thought it was an old movie that was just being released…not just because of the black-and-white but the way faces are shot, the sound mixing. It wasn't until partway through the trailer that I realized it wasn't from the 40s or 50s.

"Criminals" by The Tallest Man on Earth