
Now you can’t unsee it.

What would you leave in a time capsule?

The hitchhiker was the one that was decapitated? Well, how about that?

Dog for vice president! Now let’s start the Super PAC.

Studies vary but the number is roughly 26% but still way too high. Our nonprofit tries to take a realistic approach to Wisconsin’s drinking culture and offers a prevention initiative that gives people the ability to ensure that they are safe and legal to drive no matter what the circumstances.

You’re absolutely right! Again, this year we are trying to pass a law to make a first offense OWI a misdemeanor. Wisconsin is the only state in the US that treats it as a simple ticket. Make sure to call or write your legislator to say you support stricter drunk driving laws.

You should think about getting a personal breathalyzer! If you buy one through the Drive Clear BACtrack store page, we get a five dollar donation. I use one myself; it’s the most accurate personal breathalyzer on the market and is super easy to use.

You might remember my Gawker article about losing my family and being paralyzed after being hit by a drunk driver. I now run a nonprofit in Wisconsin that works to prevent drunk driving and to provide assistance to the victims of drunk drivers. Feel free to check out our webpage and to donate!


The slow clap on the replays really made the clip.

"Resigning? Lulz."

This is the goodest bear.

Just before my birthday, I was in a traumatic accident that put me in the ICU. A drunk driver had run a stop sign and slammed into the side of our car at over 60 miles an hour, leaving me paralyzed from the shoulders down. The pain from my injuries was unbearable. To ease the discomfort, doctors kept me heavily

I get their hatred of women's, African-American, and Hispanic studies but Puppetry at number seven took me by surprise. The Slate of conservative media should do a counter article about how Puppetry should not be in the top 10 of worst college majors.

They look like the putties from the Power Rangers. But green.

Check out Nate Silver's Signal and the Noise for a great explanation of Bayesian statistics across a wide swath of topics. In the book, he provides a great explanation of the model and an easy to use equation.