
You know it's entirely possible to play an FPS on controller competently without aim assist. I know because I've done it for years and most console "pro" players do as well. Maybe you should put in aome effort into learning to play without aim assist so you and your friends can enjoy the game together. 

This mode would be great if this game had any sort of social features. You literally don’t have enough time during a match to talk to people and find out if they are someone you’d play with.

Someone else said it already but you are all arguing about physical vs digital when this has nothing to do with either. You are still out of luck it you purchased a physical copy of the game. The real problem is that you bought into the "games as a service" model for games. To put it simply, you bought a game that is

In this situation though, how does a physical copy give you any more playability vs those that purchased digitally? Seems to me we aren't arguing physical vs digital but rather seeing how ephemeral the "games as a service" concept is.

Don't worry you still are in my book. *pat pat*

I personally think our generation (millennials) is full of idiots that have deluded ourselves into thinking we are “different”. Fact that the point of this article is basically “Young people for pete- sakes practice social distancing!!” and most comments I’m seeing are about ridding ourselves of boomers. The hubris to

Nitpick but how can things be the same and different at the same time? Do they share the same traits that makes them different? Wouldn’t that make them the same and thus not different at all?

I think you are deluding yourselves if you thought Wholefoods had "quality" to begin with. This is the store that was legit selling people a stick of asparagus in water for $5 a bottle. Doesn't take a genius the store was ripping people off. No matter how much more money I make I will never understand why people will

Except its not journalism, it's an opinion piece. Real issue here, Journalism and Opinion being conflated when both should be clearly defined. 

Do female protagonist in a video game play differently? Does it change the game mechanics or add to the fun? Why can’t I play Tomb Raider as a man? This is such a petty point to make a fuss over. Don’t like it, don’t buy it. Fact is, there is nothing physically preventing a woman from playing the game, that would be a

It’s not Microsoft’s fault devs still have to support IE. It’s the fault of companies that refuse to update their applications to run on -Not IE. You know, those people who refuse to update...

Well, aside from developer interest and lack of a market. Only people who own Macs believe they can run games decently. 

My take on this whole Hong Kong fiasco. If you’re from the U.S. and already forgot about Kaepernick, then you have no business being outraged at this point in time.

To put it simply. If no one in the US gave two cents about Kaepernik being allowed to play. Then no one in the general public actually cares about this Blizzard flub. Hipocracy runs rampant and attention spans are shorter still. Looking at this from an entirely cynical point of view, Blizzard made the right business

There’s the “gamer community” and the casual gamer. I consider myself to be part if the “gamer community” and neither I nor my friends bought this game. The people I know that did aren’t “gamers” just people who buy games, play them on easy mode and then go back to their mobile games. Fact is gaming has gone

Your argument makes no sense. If a company’s patent on a piece of software has expired. Then they no longer have the rights to claim copyright infringement.

Maybe but I like to think I just have a healthy grasp on reality. That the world doesn’t revolve around me. That no one else but me is responsible for my mental well being. That is speaking as an adult.

That’s what I’m debating here “infamous”? That surprises me because from my point of view the OW community is the most sheltered out of all the games I’ve played. Were people will call you toxic for basic trash talk that’s pretty standard in other games. I’ve gotten reported for saying “EZ” in chat and been called

I play with women gamers and I’ll agree that women have alot more to worry about online than us men. That said, again in the 500+ hours I’ve played on OW I’ve only ever heard a woman talked to like that a handful of times. In some, the woman was being toxic and the player base (as I’ve stated) was defending the person

I keep saying this each time someone like you makes this type if comment. I’ve been playing videogames online for 20 years... never once have I felt scared or threatened. Yes, I’ve experienced name calling and such but it hasn’t ruined me personally or prevented me from enjoying games. It also hasn’t/doesn’t happen