
No, if she says it happened, it does not mean we trust her. This is not a real life confession. This is a TV show where there are many voices besides the voice of the Abused Woman. There is also context - that she is a lying, manipulative junkie, who we had already seen lie and manipulate everyone, including the man

Anyone who had ever seen more than 2 episodes of 24 knew from the second she was first thrown in jail with another prisoner that it was a fucking setup.

Your avatar gives a cool twist to your lament.

Lee Pace would be an awesome Clarice.

The guys that want to make the nail polish are not pretending nor assuming that their problem will "solve rape". They asked "the internet" to help them with a specific thing, its up to everyone to vote with their valets in determining if that product is useful or not.

I totally heard Del-boy saying "Schopen-auer" fast over and over again. Its haunting me now.

My feeling is that the major difference is: Tarantino wants you to understand that quote as a quote. He assumes you realizing it is a quote makes your understanding of his scene as a bit more complex. Its an added bonus, if/when you take both contexts into consideration.

I do not remember what books Rust had on his shelves, but having the exact books NP took words from would have been a cool non-disruptive way to pay tribute.

Only at the time (the obsession over "what Shakespeare took/stole" was post-Romanticism), Shakespeare did not even try to pretend he was making something "original", in terms of how we understand the word today.

Only when I do the research, I attribute ideas precisely.

seriously? 20 bucks for 20 cigarettes…? just wow.

IIRC, the producers wanted to off Brody already at the end of S2, but surprise surprise, Showtime asked for more Brody. So we got the S3 mess. At least he/they (Brodies) are gone now, lets see how the "reset" plays out. I am looking forward to it.

And he has to keep a relevant acting profile, otherwise, how do you get a role that every 25-45 year old drama actor is gunning for?

This logic has a similar amount of wit as when TV shows use the "lives in his parents basement" to depict gamers in a humorous way.

Words that come out when not carefully chosen, so when you are drunk or half asleep, or high, or mentally ill, either when enraged or when totally calm, do not necessarily express the exact "outer replica" of "inner" thought or feeling.

You simply cannot claim that showing horrendous things is a recent trend. If there is one staple of criticism of art throughout the last 3-4 thousands years, it is that art is showing the immoral/worst part of mankind/violence/terror, and as such poses a danger to "decency of humankind".

Pretty sure we differ greatly in the amount of our investments in plot vs characters, or narrative vs symbolism. What you see as scattered, I probably see as necessary to bring the psychology and characters' points of view in more focus.

Well, when you take into account that even desserts can now be 'deconstructed' (and still be edible!), it is kinda amusing how the word itself is being deconstructed inside its own ubiquitousness.

While I agree with you in that TGW really does do all the things you cited, that is still not deconstruction. It is, as you said, a shake up of the formula. Slightly changing the rules of the genre, and emphasizing the usually overlooked elements still does not produce that kind of a significant inconsistency between

This scenario realistically only allows for the woman to wear the mask.
Lets continue…