
Seriously? All of ancient Greece had slaves. Athens was the biggest naval force, which at the height of Peloponnese war slaughtered and killed mercilessly, including sometimes their own allies.

Because a person's body is still not a Public Good, or would you prefer all bodies be treated like they were, including fertile wombs? How would that turn out?

The problem with this kind of reasoning is that it stops at the surface - and usually just measures or takes into account the intention of the law or regulation and does not account for actual consequences, that are almost always much wider in scope and affecting more people in (negative) ways than it was (if it was


Awww. Cute.

Ok, reading lesson #1: "wide array of political strategies" in opposition to, let's call it The Left, not of alt-right per se. Unless you conflate the two… which… then, thanks for proving my point.

Oh no, some of my punctuation sucks, that makes my argument invalid! Praise Greezus (Grammar Jesus).
Your post: ad hominem arguments; reverse-ironic ad hominem arguments; grammar-policing; offering forgiveness. Interesting.

Oh yes, of course there were, but tell me, what's the point in saying that shows "on the right" influenced (the forming of) a movement "on the right"?

Equating the "alt-right" with anyone / everyone that does not adhere to prescribed leftist values is disingenuous at best, intellectually and maliciously wrong at worst - but you keep doing it. Conflating a wide spectrum of people who employ a wide array of political strategies - yes, including shitposting and

you've never a read a book that wasnt some scrubbed down washed out disneyfied bullshit in your life, have you.

Negative Future: yeah, we should censor everything upfront because if no one ever makes a show about it, it certainly wont ever happen.

While some people might wanna have kids out of ego/ narcissism/ or whatever else flaw you deem in their behavior and/or character, it's fucking silly to imply that most people that wanna have biological kids are doing it out of egoistic reasons. Just because you or I or whoever does not have that desire, it's stupid

I was a girl then and I got the 'charge' from Superman movies.

Having a political opinion and speaking from an ideological viewpoint as opposed to inane virtue-signaling using the most banal arguments in the most of trivial contexts are two very different things. And inserting random Trump-bashings wherever and whenever is not even political opinion that is adding to any kind of

Not for the same reasons as you, but I also think Claire is infinitely more interesting than FU, and I basically only appreciate HoC when I think of her as the main character.

Also, 70s cannot even be compared to how teenage sexuality is viewed today, especially in USA.

Disclosure: Couldn't be bothered to read the hashtag besides what had been posted here-

Thought that was the way it began.

because signaling what type of person you wanna be seen as does not only come in Prius shaped cars…

Notice me, senpai