Well, based on the last line from Mike:
Well, based on the last line from Mike:
That’s actually an appropriate picture in more ways than one.
As someone who used to play a ton of ROMs cause i couldn’t be assed to hook up all my old consoles, all of the sites i ever used didn’t even host the rom downloads themselves. They had links to a host of different download sites or torrent links.
I don’t understand anything about this guy’s decision making process.
Seems a bit harsh, websites aren’t free to run and file hosting is notoriously expensive. It sounds like this was his full time job and he made barely above minimum wage providing a resource many people on this site likely took advantage of. I haven’t read the full lawsuit, but the guy is representing himself so he…
I’m torn. While part of me would adore a new Chrono game, I feel like it has be done very carefully if they intend to touch upon any of the old games. And if it’s a new universe and new characters... well, that’s cool too, but Chrono Trigger was so epic that I’m not sure how they’d come up with a plot that didn’t…
Yeah if fans have figured out Ps1 and Ps2 emulation on their cheaper pcs/ phones you’d think Sony would have nailed it too.
How many people went on buying sprees to pick up all the games they still wanted on the PS3 and Vita stores? I’d be curious to see sales numbers for these past few weeks.
I really wish they’d just get the PS1 and PSP stuff figured out for backwards compatability, at the least. The PS1 has been emulated on multiple Sony systems and even LocoRoco Remastered on PS4 is running a PSP emulator (and that game runs fine on the PS5).
Anything that is bad for xQc is good for the portion of the world with more than 2 braincells. The amount of money he gets paid for being a stupid asshole is frankly depressing.
This is inappropriate
This is inappropriate
The problem is the pic above was on the front page of the site and had any female in the company have been around when I happened to bring up the front page of the site, THAT would have been enough to haul me to HR.
The problem is the pic above was on the front page of the site and had any female in the company have been around…
The old idea of “wrinkled and soggy tattoos at old age” is just a bias and an excuse to tell people not to get them.
...and she will regret her decision.
E3 is more of a season now, a state of mind. It’s “Summer Games Reveal Time”.
I had a feeling E3 2021 wouldn’t happen and I’m glad they’re being proactive. I know when they canceled last year they didn’t have a plan in place. The information trickle over the summer didn’t work for me. I like their idea of 3 solid streaming days for new stuff.
I’ll be glad when this nightmare ends, but am also glad that E3 organizers are being proactive about being responsible this year.