Why arent we funding more of expeditions like these?! F**k Mars and the other planets too...!!
Why arent we funding more of expeditions like these?! F**k Mars and the other planets too...!!
“Keeping Youtube videos for up to two days...”?? Bitch, please, thats why I rather use aTube Catcher. I can keep videos forever.
Will this take forever as cough cough Oculus cough Rift?
dat ass thou
Im mexican, Ive lived my whole life in Tijuana (yep, just across the border) and I remember that some of my classmates back in 1998 give or take used to play this game in the classroom (both versions, the one where you hold three pencils and try to align them with the three pencils of another douche, and the one where…
And the Darwin Award goes to...
Saw it too, a bit to cheesy for me, buuuuuuuut Melissa Benoist is way more than enough eye-candy, Ill probably keep watching the show just for her.
Whats that app for?
We are still here after the Industrial Revolution. I still have a job.
why would anyone want to watch videos on Spotify? Isnt Youtube way better for that...? Well, at least if you ignore the over saturated servers lately...
The posts of Fake Photos were cool... until it got turned into video format. You guys like to ruin everything.
You forgot the UMD
...and there will be a video tutorial DIY on “how to turn your normal vr glasses into gold ones” by Casey Neistat.
Here is your upvote, average citizen, Ive always wondered the same thing.
Im mexican and I find this offensive... though that “Hola!” really killed me.... :DDD
Mínimo... me hubiera gustado mas ver como la lava le alcanzaba los pies para escuchar sus gritos agonizantes xD
I wont because im mexican and poor... but those guys who have money burning in their pockets surely will start wearing watches again
There is probably only one guy who can pull this off and still make it look cool enough to get more than 300K views in 24 hrs. Mr. Casey Neistat. If you are not familiar with his work as a tv comercials producer / video blogger / viral video maker - you should check his videos asap.
that is the whole point here, dude, Casey just doesnt care about what people think... just see his custom made RayBan Wayfarers without the logo and with a coat of white paint cause he wanted something unique that looked like he had snow around his eyes.