josie nemo

Well, if it's about the boys being embarrassed, then this a great opportunity for them to learn not to be embarrassed by that.

its to protect the little wimminz. because they're weak, see? kidding, but i do think that's an unstated part of the 'boners' argument. excuse me, i have to go puke a bit now...

What about gay boys who find girls to be boner-killers?

Which is such a silly 'reason.'

And cue the weak excuses for we can't have inclusivity...

My goal wasn't to convince anyone, it was to snark about PETA. And no, I don't have to provide shit to be able to say that.

And asking for citations? That's trollish bullshit.

Regardless of why they are sexist and racist, they are sexist and racist. That's inexcusable and it discredits their message, which benefits the meat and dairy industry.

No, fuck heraldry... that shit is easily explained but irrelevant other than to people who dream of that "1500 years". I propose we take and dump the concept on its head and skew it inside out

It'd be a picture of me, standing on a pile on a skulls of labeled with such things as, "monarchy," or, "corporations," possibly, "statism," definitely some things like, "sexism," "racism," and, "anti-environmentalism," etc.

Below would have my family motto, once I actually fix the grammar - I'm sure I fucked up some

I see what you did there, Tony Markis... that's taking trolling to a new low. I mean, shit, if I'm Hitler, that would imply that since I hate jackasses (of the human, not donkey, variety), that Jews are jackasses. Or something like that. Either way, dude is an anti-semitic and animal-hating asshat on multiple levels.

The singing, the incessant singing. And the utter fakeness of it.

I'm so glad I don't have a television or children right now (sorry).

Yes, but now we're talking about an aspect of humor that actually is subjective, the interpretation. Which doesn't determine the author's intent - it just indicates that we got something different out of this. You bring your own biases, fears, and expectations to interpretation.

Err, wrongness and rightness doesn't

...How the hell does she know about Barney? Is that still a thing?

To you. That didn't come across at all to you. Key point there. Like I said in another comment. Just because you interpreted it differently, didn't mean it wasn't there.

Right, it equated things inappropriately, just like a PUA would. Writing it 'well' would change the tone in a way that'd make it less-plausible of a

Lol, yes... I lost this argument by talking to you instead of dismissing your comment. You haven't shown me to be wrong, you've just wasted my time.

See, I found that portrayal in and of itself to support the satire - in that PUAs buy into assumptions about gender norms.

Yeah, I don't find that to be more clever, nor do I see it as implying that.

Some days... some days.

It's neither BS, nor a conspiracy theory - their actions benefit those lobbies by discrediting the people they supposedly represent via sexism and racism.

And I didn't demand you prove it for me - I rejected your assertion-by-denial and told you if you want citations to do the footwork yourself. Do you have a logical

How is that necessary? Should this really be made gender-neutral?

Hay, now you've caught me clueless... say what?

Drop lots of acid.