Right? And yeah, good riddance to ignorant-ass customers. And agreed about interacting with people.
Right? And yeah, good riddance to ignorant-ass customers. And agreed about interacting with people.
Well, if it wasn't gross in and of itself, wouldn't it fail as satire? Part of the joke is that men have totally warped ideas of womanhood. If the article described men in a non-stereotyping way, it would lose part of its relevance.
Let's just go with 'their', then.
Ah, how about her own?
Fair point... Idk, maybe someone will.
Yes, I know you're not the only clueless one. Or person with a different sense of humor. Frankly, I found it funny.
Err, wait - am I a conspiracy theorist or a BSer? Make up your mind. And no, the burden of proof is on you - you're challenging what I said, so saying there's no evidence isn't sufficient as a rebuttal. Nor is complaining about how I don't feel like finding you some links.
I'm hardly anonymous, lol. I'm not even…
Okay, if you say so.
Who knows? It's Friday and my ability to care is kinda... nil. You know?
Is it really my job to educate you on that? No. Keep looking, don't complain because your Google-fu is weak.
Ahhhhh, the cluelessness of some of the comments here is so validating. Thank you Morgan Miller, thank you. You made my Friday.
Pick-up artists, yo.
Yeah, but I'm taking a Friday vacation from using my research skills. I'd recommend using Google Scholar and possibly an online thesaurus. That's not me snarking, by the way - that's pretty much how I find scientific research .
So obvious from just the title...
A parody
"Can hinder," not, "will always necessarily hinder." Obviously there's some value in propaganda that stretches the truth.
You have le Google? Use it.
You know, sometimes a false flag is a false flag.
I believe it: I'm not just speculating, having been there myself.