josie nemo

But seriously, yeah... when I used to bag for a local food co-op, I don't think I've encountered a customer quite that vapid or vocal in their heartlessness the co-op definitely made more of an effort to cater to carnists over the years, but... damn.

My first instinct would to thwap her upside the head with that poor

I'm asking you because you're the one who brought up opinion of 'the princess' on the matter. If you're only interested in saving some old house, why did you reply to a comment about having a problem with aggrandizing royalty?

Ah, that makes sense too, what with all the sheep.

Well, if I ever had the opportunity, I would, haha.

Well, what does her opinion matter? If we're chasing fairy tales, that amounts to the same thing.

Hey now, I'm sure that lady had feelings even if she wasn't too bright.

Do you happen to live in the States or Europe? Or just near a lot of foodies? Bummer, either way. Though in the long run, the one really isn't all that better than the other, I just find that it's annoying when people use it as a 'gotcha'. Though, being a vegan, it's a moot point for me now...

It is ridiculous, but clearly it's a part of her identity that's played up - Meet Princess Minnie!

I mean, it doesn't really matter if she is "really royalty" or not, does it? I was being tongue-in-cheek about the rejection of royalty being an American quality, by the way, but why do we embrace this kind of stuff? I

One of my many charming, eccentric, American beliefs is that we should not aggrandize royalty. Even if they seem like someone you'd like to share a drink with. You know?

Well, just reduce a meal to it's lowest common denominators. Like, if the vegetarians can eat it, the fish and fowl eaters can eat, the shellfish allergic and lactose intolerant ones can eat it. Then, all you have to do is get rid of gluten, onions, and garlic. The internet is a great resource for finding recipes,

Fun fact: most rennet in cheese today isn't rennet, but "Fermentation-produced chymosin". Also there are other ways to make cheese than that or rennet. And a fair number are lacto-veg-friendly.

That said, likewise about already being on the road to veganism.

Well, I think a lot of women, moms or not, are not really deep thinkers. Which, combined with a cultural conditioning against criticism and this kind-of... watered down idea of womanhood we have today (I don't know if you would agree, but I feel like there are a lot of women who not only accept, but embrace

I figure he'll die at his typewriter as I get the impression he's a bit graphomanic.

Weird, the only people I've met (admittedly few) that liked Grey were moms

"A dilly." Yeah, I'm just gonna remember that every time someone claims King's 'voracious' reading habits equate to him being well-read.

I read The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger and was so bored I couldn't read the rest. Do I want to read the books he's dissing? Not really, they look only slightly-less-boring. Would rather read Joan Slonczewski, Octavia Butler, or James Tiptree Jr. And would welcome any suggestions of other authors who are similar to them.

Lol, comparing the two is what's irrational! Gum and gummies are not that similar of a texture. Gummies are smooth, gum is sort-of fibrous. Don't feel so bad about it!

Okay, I'm sorry for judging so harshly, it got less terrible after the first three paragraphs. I'm glad you're slowly evolving away from hating people for being 'picky.'

One had the gall to say to me "I can't wait until the day that you start eating meat again."