Was I talking at you? Let me mock you in peace, yeesh.
Was I talking at you? Let me mock you in peace, yeesh.
Ironically, fungi aren't vegetables.
Mayo is disgusto
Err, depending on the sushi restaurant, there are for sure seafood options. After all, sushi refers to the rice, not raw seafood. Many traditional sushi dishes are actually vegan.
Well, I read your comment and while I don't think that's sold around here, that's super handy.
I'm pretty sure the Food Network makes an effort to hire assholes and thus promotes their shitty tastes in food.
Lolling at their response to this so hard... "But but but, teh protein. I couldn't possibly succeed as a body-builder while eating vegan food. Oh noes!"
Is that really so irrational - you find the taste and texture unpleasant to the point of not being able to enjoy it. That is, it is physically uncomfortable to you. It's not like you're saying, "Nuh-uh, gum sucks, I won't try it."
I'd love to try konyaku!
She just wanted you to eat more than one food-group, no? Mammals, fowl, and sugar.
Your "trick" is knowledge and consistency, lol.
Ironically, that organic beef is terrible for the environment.
Or the "fish isn't meat" crowd.
Fuckin' gross! That actually is a pet peeve of mine. I have told friends I don't want to eat with them, then they insist, then they make something that isn't vegan. I've never been in the position where I'm demanded carnists cook something vegan for me - they are always the ones pushing their food on me. When I get…
Often that "bloating/fatigue" is used to support the belief that all gluten causes inflammation in all people and therefore gluten is evil and no one should eat it. Possibly supported by saying, "we didn't evolve to eat wheat," or, "eating wheat has changed our genetics and messed us up."
Or your genes will mutate and blah blah blah, you know? Insert whatever other non-science gluten-bashing, haha.
Well, it's not really the new vegan, so much as a new trendy foodie thing that people use to attack vegans with.
So cook a gluten-free vegan meal without garlic or onions. That's actually... really easy.
Canned vegetables are terrible.
refuse - "indicate or show that one is not willing to do something"
right? the key point is willingness. i see comments of people attacking you who are willing to eat vegetables, even if they don't like them. it's a weird lapse in comprehension.