Josiefiend Baker

When I found out Trump wasn’t showing up as Orange Santa, I had next to no interest.

To be fair, I would rather shut my TV off and look at the wall for thirty minutes than watch these two backwards, dangerous garbage people prop one another up on network television.

SO EXCITED! Fuck you, haters... and a special Fuck You to Cinemassacre for taking such a BRAVE stance for nerddom by not only refusing to see and review it, but encouraging us to do the same.

I totally just muttered ‘Stupid sexy lochte’ like ‘Stupid sexy flanders’

I don't know why but I really love seeing Coco with her baby.

Yes, it was Beyoncé! Someone alikened it to endoplasmic reticulum and another said it was “Becky’s skin”!

Damn, that’s a hell of a dress.

Great idea. Really different and thoughtful and thought-making.

I never cry at concerts. I CRIED AT HERS. TWICE. I don’t know what it is about her, but damn, I love her.

I’ve never been more honored, def better than anything Iggy every “wrote”

Help an Old out. I tried Googling Beyonce’s Formation video after the SuperBowl, which I didn’t watch, and all I found were videos talking about it, or showing the lyrics, but not the actual video. Has the official video been released or should I just look for the SuperBowl performance on YouTube?

Becky is the one in purple.

my name is Snacky AND YOU WILL ALL CALL ME THAT.

Google spider eyes. They have eight! Lovely and terrifying.

A bug with only two eyes? It’s like you’re not even trying to ruin my night.

Jon Snowcone.

Banana peppers improve any savory salad or sandwich.

While I have been reading the comments on Jezebel for years, I am using my first comment I’ve ever posted to say: this is MY LOCAL and I’m well proud of it #sawf #lahndahn

Tomato, tomahto.

You realize it’s smuggle, not snuggle. ;)