
Does the technician get to affix a little sticker of a fighter jet to the outside of his toolbox now?

I understand what you are saying, but I think the judge wanted these people paid back and the only way for them to do so is for this guy to keep working. So he locks him down on a GPS tracker and makes him work and work so that the folks he scammed get their money back. Seems like a better application of justice.

That explains why you don’t mind people touching your cars.

I read this “Millennial here (1991)... Have owned 40+ cars since I was 16"

Not sure you should draw any conclusion from that story but old mini’s are complete POS.

Surprised it could do that.  Worked in a bucket truck for a couple of summers and it would not move if the bucket were not down and secured.

Hometown!  I got to sit in the traffic jam created by that gaffe.