Ugly as hell, but I still like it. Stelliffyllis, Shittellus, or whatever FCA is called now can still shove it. Would 100% love to waltz this ugly middle finger around some Jeeps on a tight trail.
Renault Rodeo, not to be confused with Isuzu Rodeo.
I could see using something like this for parking, as well; not just parallel parking, either. Ever have to cut in real tight into a perpendicular space, only to find that you’re WAY too close on one side? Crab-walk that puppy in reverse, then pull forward when you’re centered.
Because if he linked to them, he’d be accused of selling out as a paid advertiser. I’m glad he took the high road and assumed all of us would be smart enough to find it on our own. We are, aren’t we?
To make it fixed, they would have to make a notch in the sheetmetal so the light mounts the same way every time. But obviously they are too cheap to alter the stamped sheetmetal.
Maybe because if it doesn’t swivel, then that means someone on the assembly line has to aim it.
And from pictures it looks like each mirror on the Bronco easily disconnects with two those times you are doing “extreme” stuff there is still an easy option.
Ford’s version: drive both at 80 mph and you decide which is crude.
Ford: Well you still have your mirrors when the doors are removed, so the Bronco is better than the Wrangler.
Just. Build. The. Whole. Damn. Truck. LOWER.
If they just removed 7/10ths of an acre of body panel and 19" of gap between the wheel and the arch, then you wouldn’t need a built-in ladder to get into the bed. And as a bonus you wouldn’t blow out your back if you ever decided to load anything heavy into the damned thing.
Said it before, will say it again. Sidewall=good. The more sidewall, the less of those forces transfer into the car. Yes youll lose some handling, but for a daily driver? More sidewall.
Harbor freight makes lots of good stuff. Yes, I could have spent 5x more on many of my tools....but for the things that I don’t rely on, it doesn’t make sense.
I have a ‘calibrated’ set of oak timbers that I use instead of jack stands. I cut them to the maximum height a floor jack can lift my car (minus a half-inch). I don’t need a bunch of height options, just one that’s trustworthy.
I park over a man hole, and work on it from there
I hate working under jackstands. If I must get under a car, it’s on jackstands, with the jack touching but not supporting the car also, plus whatever wheels/cinderblocks/toolboxes I can shove under there too.
Drawback. I’msetting up an iPhone for my 85 year old mother. You’d think the intuitive iPhine would be the simplest choice, until you try to just put her children and other family contacts on the home screen. Impossible with IOS. Crappy multistep process with 3rd party apps even without pictures for contacts. Wound up…