I got mine relatively easy in a small suburb.
The Wal-Mart I was at even had 2 boxes or so left after the 20 of us got our consoles.
A Wal-Mart employee (waiting in line with us) said many of their stores were getting 96 at the minimum.
I got mine relatively easy in a small suburb.
The Wal-Mart I was at even had 2 boxes or so left after the 20 of us got our consoles.
A Wal-Mart employee (waiting in line with us) said many of their stores were getting 96 at the minimum.
Yep, they’re chilling on the BSL and when you return the the hangar on the way out:
They return the favor too.
Without their help, Samus’ ship would’ve likely been destroyed by the Omega Metroid at the end of Fusion resulting in her untimely death.
Can we get past who to blame for not allowing this and just get on the bandwagon of getting them to allow it in the future?
It is really bull crap that they won’t to begin with.
There are AMD and nVidia chips available to PC owners, yet they both seem to play online together just fine (and do fine in sales)
I don’t…
I’m glad you finally made the decision to look out for #1 rather than making people happy.
At the end of the day, peoples opinions of us are jack shit.
And we need to take responsibility to do what makes US feel right.
Also, I sincerely hope you fucking choke on your own vomit.
Right, because you disown anyone “showing their powerlevel”
As they say...
I did, and I don’t care :D
Did your dick grow from that one? I hope so.
Your girlfriend won’t leave me alone.
I don’t disagree with you.
Then we have “this fuckin guy” up here.
“no fun?” If you had fun pretending to be a racist heres a hint:
Anyone that thinks this guy really thinks its just a joke, read this.
Its a strategy to use Dog Whistles such as this and then attack the response. Any response. Public or private.
You’re completely entitled to your own wrong opinion.
There were people flying that flag in Charleston.
Even if they weren’t “in” on it (which they were) at this point, its not funny, its associated with Nazis, hate, and genocide.
Ask a Jew how they feel about the Nazis. See how funny they find it.
And you can eat 9000 dicks along with your Superliminal Racist friends.
Good day shitlord.
Har har, and Heather, but yeah.
Either way, not funny.
Someone DIED.
It is no longer funny.
Someone died. Its not funny anymore.
I’m all for this.
Before we didn’t take this seriously, White Nationalism was just a joke! No one actually thinks that way in this community!
Oh boy, were we wrong...
Its not funny. It never was, and now people are dying.
Stamp this shit out with impunity.
Very odd, tragic story.
Title is very confusing though.
I read this as “Police Reviewing ... lead ... Found Dead in Ill. Hotel Freezer”