Josh Venters

I’d go a search on the google. There may have been the darker version out in the wild for download. Does work on emulators.

Can’t recommend this enough I played the crap out of this as a kid and love this remake so far (only 10 or so M’s down so far).

Are you guys not allowed to cover Evo?

On the same note Lunala is 4x weak to dark...

VR of this game (OR, Vive, etc.) would be great for training your mind to travel in the 4th dimension without freaking out.

Interestingly enough. Nvidia 9series GPUs are rated to perform up to 90 degrees celcius(ish) (yes I was surprised as well).

This kind of thermal mod opens up a lot of thermal overclocking overhead.

(Please insert Game 2)

I booted up TKK on my 34 warlock from Year 1. Got Telesto (new TKK fusion rifle) from my first 10 Three of Coins (that would be 2 packs).

I've lovingly reffered to this as "con plague" for a good decade or so.

This thing is nightmare fuel for me. I have a terrible needle phobia. My god. Kill everyone that had this idea with FIRE.

Powerline adapters.

Powerline adapters.

Just when I was about to go buy Smash 3DS. I can wait 2 months.

I'll just leave this here...

This, a thousand times this...

I feel attacked every day just because I'm a while male that enjoys video games (some of which may happen to have over-sexualized females that I do enjoy).

Its my right to enjoy that as much as its your right to not. I've argued that countless times...

The problem is personal attacks,

There are plenty of jerk developers/directors/actors. Quinn's actions I may not agree with (if the facts I've read are true), but what the hell does that have to do with her as a creator of entertainment? Mel Gibson is fucking insane, but I bet you can probably only find a few who can say they didn't enjoy

Well that escalated quickly. We all tend to forget that art is subjective. You don't like it? No one is holding a gun to your head and saying 'LOOK AT THIS NEARLY NUDE WOMAN LOOK AT IT!' Your opinion is its disgusting. You're entitled to that. But calling someones opinion dog shit? That is crossing a line.

I secretly hope your post gets more than the original.

TSMDyrus is probably my favorite.

As a programmer this isn't impossible it is AMBITIOS. I honestly hope the developers make the engine open source or even available at a cost. I want this. I would gladly pay thousands of dollars for this and I only make 30k a year.