Joshua Tribble

Gotham definitely handles characters and personalities much better, but that is a darker world too..

Gray's Anatomy does that a lot. Internal monologue. "I'm really smart but something I act stupid" repeated out loud through an episode followed by showing it.

Comic book fanboys hate the idea of women being superheroes? Where the hell did you get your information about comic book fans? It seems you look at all of us as cliche "EWWW COOTIES" boys from the 80's running around with Superman lunchboxes. Hate to bust your bubble, comic book fans today are nothing like that. We

Most likely a birthmark.

Well they're always on the road too, they have to listen to something.

He's wrestled well into the 2000's and 2010's as well. He's going to be head trainer on Tough Enough for guys trying to compete to get a WWE contract.


Let's be fair, all of the secondary DX guys had issues when forced into singles action. They were all on teams for the majority of their career. ESPECIALLY X-Pac and Gunn.

His home-ech teacher ran out of Aunt Jemima's syrup. The Rock never let her live that one down.

In the 80's, if you weren't American you were a heel. Canada was EEEEVIL back then.

I absolutely hated Victoria's theme song. You know, that ghetto one that went something like "I AINT DA LADY TO MESS WIT. WOOOOOOOOOOT!" I feel it didn't suit her at all, but maybe it's because it was Nikki Minaj singing it. Her TNA theme song "Broken" was SO much better.

You sir are the best in the world at what you do.

I like Scatman though. He was cool and talented, and had a neat reason for his quick lyrical style. He grew up with a stuttering issue. He's still a faster singer than half these rappers today who think they're all that. Rednex…that's just some weird ICPish crap. I have to say though, this is a weird interview. I