Stuck Boss

Prometheus's mom's house was Barry's childhood home set, right? That place is cursed

My guess, and hate to say it, is Snart isn't coming back until the end. The Spear is put together at the end, Thawne saves himself to be able to torture Barry more and Mick brings Captain Cold back before the spear is destroyed.

Sad to say but it's probable most lasting influence is that the wrestler Sting has dressed like The Crow for almost 20 years since WCW, TNA, and now WWE

Not to dismiss a good episode but after last weeks Flash, I'm hesitant that they won't use Barry time travel to undo all Arrow s3. They retconned the best 10 min of Flash 2 weeks ago to give a so-so follow up. Until Flash ends, which I think does after Arrow, I'm leery about big Arrow reveals

Pretty sure in a spoiler post a few weeks back "The Return" is Slade Wilson/Deathstroke coming back not Ollie. The producers tweeted the script and at Manu Bennett

As always, Michael Scott is the progenitor of the "Ain't no party like a…."

Yeah, I can't find it online, but whenever E! replays that special catch it. I remember they ran it later in the hour but it was one of the hooks they had to talk about drama with production and they had to decide to split up episodes early on

The fact that they trade off episodes I thought was known more. My wife was watching the E! TWS on Modern Family and they seemed to state it matter of factly. The two don't like each other, but they have a show that does well, so they split things down the middle. That's why there's episodes that have story lines