haha! that is even better, I love it. For the record, it was a well written article with good advice to really get comfortable on your bike. Hope to see more of your work.
haha! that is even better, I love it. For the record, it was a well written article with good advice to really get comfortable on your bike. Hope to see more of your work.
Preceding article notwithstanding, your last name is most unfortunate for someone who is providing advice.
Uh, eastern/northern Virginia maybe. If you came to Appalachian (southwest) VA to pick up cars, you would have regretted it soon after.
What is this? A well thought out and practical approach to reviewing cars on Jalopnik?
Damn... that’s dirty, but I can believe it.
I know, don’t make me think about it. I’m trying to tell myself positive things to not get upset.
oh indeed! I do hold out hope for Buick. I actually like the new (not yet released) Regal, despite it replacing my beloved RWD V8 Commodore/Chevy SS.
True, and I would expect that they are not far behind the top 10 list for most expensive. We rarely traveled as far as Texas for cars due to distance, but getting our hands on a Texas car, it was usually a gem. Could be that the supply of used cars is greater in those areas and thus they didn’t quite make the top 10?
I commend you on your purchase of a unique, sharp looking car. However, judging by all the other comments, that purchase may lead to a frustrating future of parts acquisition... good luck friend.
If I’ve learned anything today (after posting this), it’s that parts are hard to find for Saturn Astras... kind of disappointing.
As an owner of one, I’m okay with this.
suggested the same. agreed!
Not surprising... at least they looked good from the outside?
I’m surprised, I assumed it would be pretty typical GM ecotec parts for drive train. Exterior/interior parts I’m sure would be more difficult.
Agree, I think this article misses one of, if not the most critical influential factor; geographic location based on climate differences. Being from VA and living in Charleston, SC now, used car costs are noticeably different for very good reasons. The cars down here are in better condition. In fact, my dad is a used…
I may come up with my own suggestion, but Tom really has it right. Are the rest of you even trying? This is 3 women who want to be able to ride around together in the style of a classic car... which means 3 people need to be able to fit (no corvette) and it needs to have some aesthetic qualities to it (NOT a Lada.…
I really like that body line (feature?) as well. The whole car flows well, and yet is still understated.
I don’t always agree with your posts or views on car choices... but this I very much agree with. I’ve always had a soft spot for this body style TL, especially in Type S trim. Smoked lenses, wheels, and quad exhaust tips were nice visual touches as well.
Idk, that seems pretty average to me, I doubt I put more miles on my car than that in an average week. I can see how certain situations may require more, with long commutes, kids, extracurriculars, etc.