As unoriginal as this may be, I think you’re probably right. What all these AWD wagons are missing is ride height for Moab and snow. I really wanted to suggest Vehicross but lack of manual...
As unoriginal as this may be, I think you’re probably right. What all these AWD wagons are missing is ride height for Moab and snow. I really wanted to suggest Vehicross but lack of manual...
Starred for I-81 and Blacksburg, although I’d guess you were heading home towards NOVA, opposite of me.
That’s good to know, thanks!
You kept referring to Tilo’s “garage”... but I never saw any indication that there was active wrenching happening here. This looks like a warehouse of sad, unused cars... I like collecting cars, but inches of dust on a room full of tightly packed cars is not showing them the love they deserve.
Right about the opposite spinning with open diff. But I would expect, even with braking, the side in the air to offer the least turning resistance and thus be the primary wheel that an open diff would send power to? Or.. bc the brakes have one wheel locked, maybe the force of static friction to overcome spinning that…
superbly well played!
Ahh, that makes sense, thanks for clarifying! I should have thought about that anyway... In any case, it is still indicative of a limited slip differential, right? I would expect an open diff to try spinning the tire of least resistance, which would be the tire in the air, assuming the e-brake is applied equally to…
So you say you won the bet, but his review was posted at noon today... does this mean Ballaban waited to post yours just to spit you?
I’ve seen this before, but it just dawned on me that I don’t understand why or how the left rear tire completely stops spinning almost immediately once it lifts off the ground. I have to assume that this means the rear diff is a limited slip of some sort, but that it can immediately transfer 100% torque to…
They say that there’s an ass for every seat. I would totally put my ass in that seat. I love it. I actually really like the front end of those cars too.
Just thinking the same thing. I’ll take my SS any day. Now had this been the hatch... I may have had a harder time deciding.
Well I had no idea that the Equinox was redesigned for 2017, but color me impressed. The previous generations were cheapo, and carelessly designed. This actually looks very sharp and based on GM’s recent improvements in interior quality, probably a pretty sound choice for customers in this market. Approve.
Agreed, I must have missed it too. I actually think this redesign is very nice, looks like a sharp ride.
I wouldn’t bet against you on that.
cool, good info. thanks!
Is there still a transfer case gear reduction when 4wd is not engaged, as we see here?
Genuinely curious, what kind of gearing does it take to rollover tires that big, that easily? Other than lot’s of torque, of course...
Very true, and it’s a fine review. I was just hoping for some understanding of what differentiates this game (if anything other than location) from the others. I’m glad to hear they’ve incorporated weather.
Your writing and reviews are good, not knocking that, but I think someone who had played previous Horizon games (or more of a gamer in general) would have been better to review. I’m wondering how it compares to those, is it worth buying another Horizon or continuing to play 2? Also, the article doesn’t mention when…