Joshua Pudney

You did it again Paul!

Or magic brain-virus, as demonstrated in TV show's escape the hospital scenario.

Yes that was a bit of a bum note. And the way they got all rabbled up to inadvertently free Kilgrave again was just infuriating.

This is surely just me being a deranged fan-spiracist, but I honestly thought for a minute there that they were setting up Trish to be a gender swapped Iron Fist when Jessica was going on about her "Iron Will" in the car before the final confrontation.

Yes Kilgrave setting people up as deadman's switches was one of the shows cleverer moves. That said, I would have liked it if Jessica actually out-thought Kilgrave rather than just gambling on her still being immune to him. And they waited until the last episode to try noise cancelling. Eh, still the best superhero TV

I was also a bit distracted by the fact they called it a virus. Its all good having some nonsense but any other bit of faux-Science would have fitted better.