
As the owner of a 2019 Bolt, it is NOT a crappy car. It is spacious for its size, fun to drive, and hasn’t had a single problem outside of the battery recall. Anyone who slams these vehicles as crappy clearly is not talking from experience and Erik Shilling doesn’t appear to know what he’s talking about in this case.

Tesla is not synonomous with Luxury. They are not in the same leagues as Mercedes or Lexus, and BMW - although they have their own reliability issues - but fit and finish are not luxurious. My Chevy Bolt is screwed together more solidly and evenly than a Tesla.

We’ve had our Chevy Bolt Premier for a year and while I’m not bonkers about it’s styling  or the color my partner chose (Shock) it is a hoot to drive and has been dead reliable. People who can’t get beyond its looks are missing out on a truly unique and fun car to drive. At stop lights, people in much fancier cars

Exactly what I was thinking.