Joshua Perry

Make Goodell mad.

Grant Gustin as the Flash...

Even though this planet gives us Godlike powers, lets change it back into the planet where we have none! Yeah it’s like a 5 year old wrote this.

Zod had no reason to Kryptoform the planet, there was no reason for Lois Lane to be taken aboard Zod’s ship, and the priest scene served no purpose other then to physically shove the Jesus symbolism down the audience’s throat like we’re goldfish.

Katherine, I’m not saying that this is concrete evidence for the existence of parallel worlds, but I just watched a trailer full of some okay CGI mixed in with outright terrible CGI, providing the backdrop for some high calibre actors in awful costumes to interact with an incredibly irritating child. I have no idea

They’re warranted here! Did you see that crazy shit Doc was talking?!

100% percent of people who uses water, even once, end up dead.

When used correctly, and at proper dosages, gear has little to no long term effects.

Like anything though, the people that abuse ANYTHING will see harsh side effects.

But soft! What bench through yonder playoff reeks?

It’s even more incredible that with all the space in a big, new stadium, he hit it to the exact spot where sat the Marlin fan.

Thawne used to be a speedster like Barry until he took an arrow to the knee.

I guess the Native Americans aren’t aware that when they migrated west and we took over we put in a little thing we like to call the First Amendment.

I’m still hoping.

So is Kraft waiting by the phone for that NFL apology?

What? How can anyone even think this? She is awful.


I’m just happy Stevie Wonder was able to see it.

Yeah, that’s just simply not true.

I blame the department and let me tell you why. They praise rookie officers. They’ll go around making a 100 arrests a month, and they’ll praise them. These rookie officers will do anything to get an arrest because they want more praise, you know what I’m saying? This is the result of it. They arrested Gray for some