Joshua Perry

Seeing as how Trump dated a black women for 2 years, appointed Gina Cheri Haspel and Lorna Mahlock to historic roles for black women, and we have the lowest African American unemployment in history i would say he is certainly not a racist. But keep pushing your bogus agenda Lauren!

Maybe it was a bad idea for player’s to self-righteously (and short-sightedly) join hands with their employers and spend years smearing their union brothers over PEDs?

Apparently, being bi is considered a cop-out by both ends of the spectrum.


I’m as liberal as the next guy, but he’s not wrong. Hillary blamed everyone but herself. Wikileaks and the Russians didn’t make her not campaign in Michigan and Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

I really hope that’s sarcasm lol...That conference made me sad :(

Managing to make two streams (Twitch and YouTube) both broken in completely different ways!

Fake News... How about a report on something real like the US murder of Yemeni activists? This liberal resistance bullshit is pathetic.

Weren’t there positive early reviews for BvS or am I imagining an alternate timeline?

You watched the show, you know that blood tests in humans show immediate reductions in IGF-1 immediately following fasting days, and remain lowered depending on the level of caloric reduction (fasting, not the commonly used 25% CR).

I’d gladly pay $9.99/month for ESPN if they took a cue from Game of Thrones and killed off a few randomly-selected anchors every couple of weeks.

The robber realizing that the gun isn’t having the effect that a gun should then waves the cocked gun in the cashier’s face. The cashier doesn’t even take a step back because he knows something we don’t and we need him to share it with us.

This is the perfect world of the SJWs. You can’t say absolulety nothing and everything is racism.

Dont watch FOX news, but it is beyond obvious the EPSN has a liberal splant. Yes, because of bundling I am stuck giving them money. But, I will refuse to watch anything beyond the live sports I need to on their channels.

Um yeah, they were pretty liberal about spending money on exclusive TV rights to events.


You forgot to mention they own one of the most successful independent record labels of all time. And you also decided not to mention they have 3 albums that are RIAA gold and two that are RIAA platinum. This is a pretty lazy fucking article. Not an ICP fan but I probably would have enjoyed this more knowing you are a

I don’t know, is it really worth it when we know he won’t be able to speak in a ridiculously gruff and macho New Zealand accent?

You’re making the assumption that every cord cutter absolutely must subscribe to every available service that’s not cable TV. False assumption.

The coyness of them in the multiplayer regard is the one true mark I’d put against them as a whole. I can accept delays and some lack of communication, being a small team, but this is a simple question of “is this even a feature of your game or not?” and the fact they continuously evade the question and leave it for