Joshua Perry

Devastating, aka terrible as always.

i see declines in three of the five broadcasts

One area in which Western leaders have most certainly lagged behind is the effective use of media to promote its perspective. Much of this has to do with the independent nature of media in democratic countries; freedom of the press is a much-vaunted institution of free thinking and critical societies who look to the

Those countries are closer to our peers than they are alternatives.

"This is laying groundwork for some work in the future you guys are REALLY going to like."

The NFL kind of reminds of those dudes who say they "love women" because they love to have sex with them.

Wow, unbelievable, racist Nazis in or near Texas (cough "perry" cough). That is just so hard to imagine a group of elitist racially motivated intolerant group like the Nazis, (cough "perry, texas republicans" cough), could have possibly penetrated so far as to get to Texas. Just unbelievable.

I'll be quite honest, I don't really care what professional athletes get paid.

I get that there's always going to be suspicion, after this guy's coming off a great year for him and the franchise. But at the same time, you can't be caught with illegal drugs and expect to face absolutely zero consequences from the League.

I think they're trying to be stupid, hitting singles in terms of writing style to get into syndication, otherwise, there'd not be such inconsistent plotlines(like his deadman powers, the chess piece that jinx owns being highlighted in an opening and never mentioned again in the middle of a new key being found)

Eyebrows are unchanged, eyes aren't green. 2/10.

To understand this event in conventional sports terms, imagine if Brian Bosworth (Bravo) had destroyed Bo Jackson (Gracie) on that goalline play instead of the other way around, then retired immediately after the game and hasn't since shut up about how he's the guru of a new revolution in football.

"Come die with me, little priest."

You sound fun.

"Freedom Industries! You have failed this country!"