Joshua Ozersky

What a crock. Jezebel is getting out of control. It seems like one in five posts are aimed at raising the self-esteem of the overweight. Which is fine, no doubt. But it is boring. This post in particular, with its vague claims and obscure junk science, has an unmistakably tendentious cast, like a climate skeptic's

Is this the famous scrimmage Bill Simmons and others have talked about?

This speaks more than ever to the fact that The Fantastic Four has never had a real movie made about them. The most recent one was little more than a TV movie for the big screen. As for Superman, there can never be a good one, because he has no real ability profile and no personality and no opinions, and not even

If ever there was a call for your Andrea Peyser guys missed a bet on this one!

These dismissive, shrill comments really aren't up to the usual standards of Jezebel, IMO. They come across as bitchy and bloggy — the female equivalent of GTFO or some such stuff. The guy seems to have made a good-faith effort and she just rolls her eyes and muggs. Again, unworthy of jezebel. Engage with it

This is interesting, but the only links are to an equally thin site operated by the Colosseum. Does the author, or anyone, know where we could find the primary sources? Like the actual instructions he speaks of?

Why does Jerry Sandusky have a blonde on his lap?

This is a common mistake about evolution — it doesn't only operate via a death / survival binary. It's all about statistics and population genetics. If one gene predominates in families that have three kids on average, and another on families that have two, evolution will be operating over time, squeezing the latter

Here's the video everyone wants to see, by the way. Even in his own videos, this guy gases on the whole time. This is a mock-combat using these techniques. []

I want to start ending all my correspondence with "From my vantage point my core assumptions on the topic carry a certain gravitas. "

This is an ugly, illiterate, and dimwitted post. It diminishes Deadspin to have posted it.

This is a really good piece, and reminds me how much I miss Tom at Slate. But because it's difficult to pick a best player, doesn't mean there isn't one. Rajon Rondo is obviously a better player than E'Tuan Moore; so who is a better player than him? If there isn't anybody, than he's the best player. Once you introduce

Jesus Christ, what's so wrong with that? Fashion is supposed to highlight the good and hide the bad. How is that so evil? This is like Christian fundamentalism or something. What's the big deal about admitting to not being flawless?

That's like saying the only thing you need to buy goods is a ready line of patter. It sounds true but it isn't, and it's closer to the opposite of the truth.

Most of the this advice is harmless, but make sure you use kosher salt, not table salt or sea salt or you will render your food inedible. Also, never use gas grills for anything. Thank you.

Why does the lady in the first picture have such astoundingly huge boobs?

What are the stories these images illustrate? Can someone please post?

This is a good post, but I object to the use of Disney illustrations instead of the Tenniel ones that the cosmos intended.

It's not even a shot. He was just trying to keep the ball in-bounds. Barely even worth watching.

Dude, prepare to never have an erection again. And not just because Lena Dunham is so hideously repulsive in every possible way.