I'm a Braves fan & I love Ryan Braun.
Acne or herpes?
This was one of my favorite episodes because RICK IS BACK.
It matters enough that the writer of this article changed the wording.
Very rational on your part.
*It's the forbidden FRUIT not apple.
I liked this trailer way more than I thought I would. The action sequences are going to be awesome (which we knew). The eyes of the turtles still freak me out though.
Here's a full HD trailer:
This is awesome but my goodness his voice is terrible.
Is this a throwback to 2006?
So I tried this for the first time last night on 6 HOURS of sleep and it worked perfectly!
The Phillies have $73 mil tied up in three players.
Don't download this unless you want it for the Nearby chat. The Everyone chat is a bunch of fake penises & asterisks.
EXACTLY what I was thinking.
Is it okay to just not like a guy because you think he's an ass?
I didn't notice him drinking in this animation...
I'm a UGA fan but yikes that's scary.
Hey look - a real actor.
5 miles is nothing on a bike.