
That's the same background I have on my iPhone!

That's exactly what I did. When I copied it into New Egg it added a "P" on the end.

PQI 1.3' MFi Certified Lightning Cable | $8 With Promo Code EMCYTZT5848

I used to think I was shy, but I've never had a problem speaking in public, and as I have done more and more panels at science fiction conventions, and seminars on Evernote and paperless, I think I feel like I'm balanced somewhere between the two.

11. Anything you can torrent (Books, Movies, TV, Audiobooks, Music, etc)

I use my iPhone 5s with "Caring is Creepy" by The Shins as my wake-up music.

I have no plans or specific ambitions or goals and I don't know what I'm doing. Just a dog chasing cars, trying to stave off awareness of our slow inevitable march towards our own personal winter in a harsh and indifferent universe! But really I'm just a sweetheart.

When I was 18 I dated a 14 year old...that was very awkward for many of my friends.

People still use these??

Where was this screen capped from?

Started shaving @ 12.

This is a terrible chart for fixed-gear bikes.

Best time to go to Publix is Wednesday night right before close.


This was probably the most boring article in this series.


The only Brave is a Milwaukee Brave??

It's supposed to be the hacker group Anonymous.

Jumping from the Empire State building and not breaking a bone.

Oh boy.