Guy 2

what a scumbag.

I really hope so, but I doubt it. I don't think any bombshell is coming. Dems need to get their s*** together and retake the house in Nov '18. From there, they can file for impeachment hearings. And from there, flip of a coin.

It's a perfect ending except for the fact that they had no idea a 9 ton dinosaur was approaching…

Lots of guitars on all the records.

Damned if you do and damned if you don't. The prequel movies took the alternative route and provided us with new species, ships, weapons, etc. etc. And it is all lumped together in one colossal disaster of a trilogy. I think it is safe to say JJ wanted to bring it back home w. episode 7. It makes sense. Let's level

fair enough.

Never said it was the only alternative. I was asking you.

haha, I didn't know I wandered into the cool kids club.

What is the alternative? Remove all security measures, so Arab terrorists/militants can freely murder Jewish (and Arab) civilians. I would point the finger at Hamas and the PA who haven't held free elections in over 10 years. They continue to fund these worthless acts of terror, instead of building proper

Dude. WOW. The UN Partition Plan of '47 awarded land to the Jews (where a Jewish majority existed) ***AND*** land to the Palestinians (where a Palestinian majority existed). As a side note, the land awarded to the Pal was far larger than the land assigned to the Jews. Prior to the Partition Plan, Israel and Palestine

Points are getting crossed. Your response isn't addressing my comment or rather what I was trying to address. I agree JS holds Israel and American to similar standards. That said, I should amplify that I said JS has Anti-Israel feelings; however, I don't think he is completely Anti-Israel.

Well, your post shows how you don't understand the history of Israel. So, your ignorant post goes without surprise. I don't plan on providing a 70 year history lesson. However, let's start with the fact that the UN Partition Plan of 47 provided a Jewish state where a Jewish majority already existed. Therefore, your

I am curious if you would use the same blasé attitude if a rocket was hurling at your head. And btw…these are the same "freedom fighters" that stick bombs on busses or do we not care to remember our history.

Criticizing Israeli doesn't mean anything other than what it is. However, too many people hold Israel to a different (higher) set of standards and that is wrong. Everyone and every government body should be held to the same practices. If you judge Israel differently because it is a Jewish state…that is Anti-Semetic.

Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semitism. If you don't agree, you probably don't fully understand Zionism. Thanks.

Your post just screams intelligence. Bravo.

Criticizing Likud and Israeli conservatives? Not sure which joke contains that content? I was referring to jokes at the cost of a religion not a government. However, feel free to interpret as you wish.

apartheid? You lost me there. The Israeli/Pal conflict is about land and where to draw a line in the sand. In the meantime, Israel will continue to protect her borders against blind hatred. And yes, unfortunately, that does include occupation. However, it is not Apartheid. Arab Israelis enjoy more freedoms in Israel

Palestinian oppression? People are too stupid, bias, or anti-semitic to know/understand that Palestinians hold their own key to self-determination. The PA could sign a peace agreement tomorrow if he knew how to compromise or at the least recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

I've laughed at good/funny Jewish good jokes. I didn't laugh at these. It doesn't help that Stewart doesn't make his anti-Israel feelings a secret and this guy is next in line.