Joshua Leto

The one thing that sticks out the most as dated on this album to me is the weak, whiny vocals. And I mean, purely the sound. I was 12 when this came out, so it is timeless for me, and while I don't listen to it often, it sure brings a rush of nostalgia. But being 12 also meant that I wasn't put off by the weakness of

"The Day Brings" by Brad, "Sanctuary 13" by Avail, "Ms. Chatelaine" by KD Lang, and "Turn Those Clapping Hands Into Angry Balled Fists" by Against Me. All songs I have listened to on repeat many, many times and I still get goosebumps every time.

Distillation of the comments in this thread: "I like the songs/albums that I like and I don't like the songs/albums that I don't like." Most music creates this type of feeling, and NoFX creates it very well. (I think Punk in Drublic is a goddam masterpiece)

For me, he'll always be Hot Saucerman.