
You have to be licensed to drive a car because cars are fucking dangerous. Guns on the other hand…

Yeah but that is because it would be complete and total dreck, not because of the message.

Is that what they call turning tricks these days.

So what is that missing scene in 28 Days Later?

You watched this in health class? Now that is exploitative!

Hey waitaminite. Wasn't water Bruce Willis's weakness in Unbreakable too?

Blah blah blah colony drop blah blah blah

The Lego Movie?

The producers insisted on a reshoot with CGI in mind. Practical effects get no respect anymore.

Thanks for double posting this. That way I can like it twice!

I'm not a very good gamer, but I'm pretty sure I'd have found that first colossus immediately had the location been marked on the map. As it were I took 3 hours raising that glowing sword over my head, exploring that whole damn island, only to have gamefaqs tell me he was in the mountains strait across from the

I totally loved his shitty, honest answer. This is what Dan would do and you have to understand that you aren't Dan and Dan isn't you.

So do all the doujins.

The Abyss was just Cacoon underwater but with oil workers instead of seniors. And submersibles instead of some dumb rocks. Oh, and SEALS and nuclear warheads. And tidal waves.

I saw that movie. Now I won't be convinced ScarJo has a vagina unless I'm all up in it.

You know, maybe we aren't the target audience. AV Club should really be asking some orphans and homeless street urchins if they find this movie relatable.

Oh my God have I played some shamefully bad games. Every game I played from the Simple 2000 series applies (the series that launched the Onechanbara games), but Simple 2000 Series Vol. 63: The Suieitaikai takes the cake.

Swarthy Brown played by Y-Love, the gay, black Jew.