joshua hardy carroll

I'm pretty sure that the Peggy thing is a cliffhanger. My bet is that she has Dodd trussed up and maybe strapped to the hood of his truck. It would be just like her to step over Hank's body. As far as the title, maybe it has something to do with Hank looking at Molly's drawing last week and thinking the UFO is a

Robbie Krieger cowrote all of their hits with Morrison. Not some… every single one, from Light My Fire to LA Woman. The dude was one of the most underrated and unappreciated guitarists and songwriters in rock. Densmore was ok—really way more of a jazzer, but without the balls-out quality of better players like Michael

Best moment for me was the slow pan through hotel hallway to the sound of Mike Mulligan breaking the bed, past the Bathroom brothers each playing solitaire and into the room where we find out it's Dodd's trampy daughter. The big pay off was the discussion about the finger up the ass, only to be topped by "It was my

Let's get this straight: Otto is the old man. Charlie's father is Bear. Sheesh. That kind of error makes me wonder if I can value anything you say about this show.

I'm losing my affection for this show. The acting is getting histrionic to an unbelievable extreme, and the plot seems to be slipping in the way Masters of Sex started to right around this same time in the second season. I know Soderbergh shot this fast, and while he is an excellent visual stylist he doesn't give all

Nolan seems like an intellectual visionary the way three power bars seem like dinner. He reminds me of a stoned guy in an MFA program.

We should hire Werner to follow Nic around narrating his life.

I could see the stitches in the first season but the superb direction and chemistry between the two leads made me turn a blind eye. I knew ol' Nic was no Vince Gilligan, whose great gift was to take the best idea in the room and roll with it (the same could be said of Brad Bird, until recently anyway). When a

I mean, he only had 25,000 pounds. Livery got to cost a brother. Coconuts are cheap (even if brought by swallow).

I was waiting for the guys trotting behind with coconuts.

I have a Totoro tattoo on one arm and a Porco Rosse Miyazaki drawing on the other. That explains my loyalties. It also acts as a filter for the cool kids and parents who recognize the characters.


Yeah, man. A story about insular lower-middle class white people in Texas didn't have enough minorities. Same deal with King's inner sanctum in Selma. No Latins or Caucasians were present. And speaking of Caucasians… where are the non-whites in The Big Lebowski? The only Latin was a child molester!

I dunno. It felt way overwritten. The boxing-as-sex, the alias story, the obvious hermaphrodite side-plot, the boxing lore (cribbed almost verbatim from Thom Jones "The Pugilist at Rest," it felt like exposition—you could smell the research) left me feeling that this show was trying to hard. The best of television is

Matt Weiner's attention to detail never ceases to amaze me. In the opening scene, Freddy pitches Don's idea to Peggy for the Bulova Accutron. The Accutron used a tiny tuning fork that was connected to a battery, causing it to oscillate at 440 cycles per second. The vibrations of the fork turned a drive wheel, giving

It's a Western, pure and simple. The good vs evil has been of a Louis L'amour variety. It was an entertaining pot-boiler of a show, but there was no real meat to it. Shows with real meat are seldom popular—look at the dismal ratings of The Wire and Treme both— but shows that SEEM to have meat (Breaking Bad, Mad Men