Joshua Johnston

Recalls are honestly nothing to judge a manufacturer for. They’re part of doing business as a car manufacturer, and if Tesla ever gets its shit together they’ll actually be far less likely to get bitten by other companies when it comes to recalls. (See for example, Takata)

I’ve been saying for years that I like what Tesla is trying to do, but people don’t understand that buildings cars is Hard.

You know what Steve Jobs said about laptops you have to use tape on to feel secure?

The surface generally matches the rest of the machine after a few weeks if you take it off soon enough. Just give it some wear time. Maybe a nice polishing, too.

We’re getting The Boys, so at least there’s some Ennis in the future.

What killed terrestrial radio for this 43 year old was deregulation in the late 90s. I lived in Houston at the time and over the course of one summer I had two of the three stations I liked go under because they got sold to bigger conglomerates that changed the format. Now I just do SiriusXM and TuneIn or Google Play

This is one reason I really enjoy having SiriusXM. I’ve been hooked almost since they launched. I’m annoyed with the lack of decent multi-receiver discounts, but the fact I almost never lose signal and always have a good selection of stuff to listen to is really nice.

I think it’s evolved into a Plymouth V’ger at this point.

What matters is that he wraps himself up in ‘Good Christian’ labeling and acts in almost complete opposite of that, yet because he’s a rich white guy the suckers buy it and let him ‘take a mulligan’ on things like adultery, general douchery, etc.

My very first thought when I saw the headline was “Okay, Jaguar XJS.” for the exact same reasons Torch had. A reliable engine in a British car? People who know will love it, people who don’t know will just think it’s a Jag and consider it amazing anyhow.

Small correction, he’s a “billionaire” until we see his taxes. ;)

Please, even Trump doesn’t read his own terrible shit.

His campaign and other outside groups raised over $400 million, spending just shy of that amount and he apparently threw in a whopping $66 million. I’m just waiting to see how much of that money was involved in or sourced from money laundering proceeds. Here’s hoping.

Like most technologies, they just trickled down from the higher end of the market to becoming a mainstream option. Now, they’re such basic options that anything without them is a stripper.

In part because electric cars cost more money than similar combustion models in the same size class so it’s a way to increase the perceived value proposition for prospective buyers. Also, I would expect, because electric cars are still low volume enough that avoiding the expense of tooling for multiple variants of

Or maybe they’re made for suburbs, where you may have a commute of 5-20 miles and you don’t have to worry about charging so much. There are a hell of a lot of people who live in areas that would be served just fine.

Sure, I’m not saying you’re wrong about the Supercharger network being a huge advantage for Tesla. The thing to remember though, is that even if the others aren’t as fast they’re still capable of competing.

“New places” has meant conceptual and/or physical since forever.

If they can ever figure out how to build the Model 3, sure, they’ve got a fighting chance.

Until Chinese companies start cranking them out for the other automakers.