
The one thing I wish iPhone had in Verizon thay Android at least the Galaxy series has is the ability to txt and Call via WiFi. I live in an area with little to no service just at my house. No network works out here, I hated the iPhone anyways and the 7 isnt really all that much different than the 6s just the same old

I have noticed this as well everyone tried to get there greedy paws into streaming services, and in doing we’ve ended up with a very fragmented ecosystem with so many different streaming services out there to get everything it’d cost more than being on cable again. Honestly I’d be fine with Netflix hiking the price if

Netflix is currently the only streaming service I have as Hulu had little to no content a couple of years ago. But Netflix library has shrunken greatly, mainly because the threat all these services have posed to regular television I got dish network for literally 20 bucks a month with all HD after paying quite a