Joshua David

One edit to propose:

Good thing gender and sexuality are different things then.

Yeah! Not being homophobic toward him is just as disrespectful as being homophobic toward him! Idiot.

Jai Courtney is the anti-Dwayne Johnson: he takes every movie he’s in and makes it worse just by his presence.

This exactly. A thousand people expressing mild criticism may seem like an outsized reaction, but that’s just life when everybody has the opportunity to make their comment seen.

Beautiful stuff - both this piece and that eulogy. I got chills more than a couple times watching it.

Goddamn that saison brett is delicious. I tried it for the first time at a distributor release party a couple months ago in Portland and I just wanted to drink it on draft forever.

Yeah, it's pretty impressive. Cross the Columbia and hit up Everybody's Brewing if you get a chance. The beer is fine, if not spectacular. The food is outstanding.

Racial minorities were very successful in South Africa and India, too.

Meanwhile, I’ve seen Luke Jackson at the Chinook Winds Casino “dance club” on two different occasions (true story).

Case in point: Ebert’s scathing review of North.

So basically, you’re against the entire concept of film criticism?

Though it kind of went off the rails when he apologized for making generalizations about stupid broads.

I love a good rosé, but sparkling rosé is the worst.

I would also be willing to be Rose.

Infinity percent yes.


There is certainly a history of insensitivity. And you have to ask if it’s part of a dangerous pattern.

YUUUP. Caution, this is an opinion of a very white dude with very 2B hair, but appropriating Black women’s struggles to advance your own personal profile isn’t exactly selfless. Whether she’s a “bad person” or not doesn’t change the fact that what she did is a very bad and unacceptable thing.

It's hard to trust your motives when you misgender Caitlyn Jenner twice in the same sentence.