Joshua David

Full disclosure: I am by no means a gamer, and I don't play many games at all. But if you liken it to a movie, look at a character like Lena Heady's in Dredd. Lena Heady is a very sexy woman, and the film doesn't go out of its way to pretend that's not true. But when she's in badass villain mode, she's truly badass,

Don't worry, there will be a line of white people lining up to tell you all about it all the time.

tl;dr: I bitch a lot and give my esoteric rankings that nobody cares about.

And that's morally wrong, and they should be called out on it and opposed at every turn.

The fact that you think depression is "easily" treated with medicine and therapy causes me to think you're a fucking idiot.

Aww, bless your heart.

I need to find a friend in Vermont.

What you say would make sense if women whose husbands died were always accused of murdering them no matter what they said or did afterward.

Pipe down, Paul.

Because go fuck yourself, that's why.

Considering neither men that like anal stimulation or submissive men =/= trans women in waiting, I'm going to need a lot of crayons for this one.

"I'm not [insert variety of bigotry here], but..." is a bad start.

As a non-Seahawks fan living in Portland, it's a delight to see Seahawks fans living up to everyone's perceptions.

Also the starting running back (and franchise record-holder for playoff rushing touchdowns) for the Super Bowl champions.

For a moment I thought I was only imagining the existence of NFLPA.

My impression (not being a Wes Anderson fan) is that Life Aquatic is the most Wes Anderson-y of Wes Anderson movies.

I guess I'll just reply to everyone here.

My guess is he's more keen on getting to 3,000 hits. And maybe 700 home runs (if he's really lucky), but not a chance he gets 763.

I just hope they spend some time in The Stanford Prison Experiment focusing on what a terrible experiment it actually was, what a shitty observer Philip Zimbardo was, and the fact that no meaningful analysis can be made of the experiment besides that Zimbardo probably just got a bunch of self-selected assholes that