Joshua Talley

I have a PBJ every day for lunch (saved me hundreds over the past few years). But I go with quality; whole wheat bread, organic NUT butter (I've tried almond, cashew, and hazelnut), and instead of sugary jelly, I use preserves (higher fruit quantity). Alas, a PB price increase is sad news!

Lack of Linux support also keeps me from using it a lot. DropBox & ZumoDrive both work on Linux. Not to mention that you can't share files over 40MB without a paid account. The 5GB is nice, but more flexibility would be better.

The benefits of a native app are OS integration & offline use. Benefits of web apps are less permanent memory usage and no need for updates.

I tried it on Mint 9 and it wouldn't install the package.

Waiting for Android version before I activate my + invite...


@Anonymoose: It has fluoride, so it has to be good for your teeth!

I liked the streaming service; I didn't know the desktop program brought your music to it, though...didn't see it during my brief trial. I would want to know how well it works on Android, though. I hope they finish the app soon. My wife is a bit apprehensive, but the security is top-notch and you can't actually modify transactions. You'd have to go to the bank site - and even then, they usually have other layers of protection (like cookies that force you to answer questions when you log in from a different computer).

It requires having Skype credit to activate this feature, too.

I was going to submit photos for the shooting challenge, but I couldn't resize them on my phone to the 200px requirement. So, here's an unprocessed Nexus One pic of a cone flower in our back yard for comparison.

I signed up for the beta, but it was difficult to get it working on my desktop. So far, it's working now. A combination between this and Rdio would be the close-to-perfect service.

So, if I hold it as far away as possible, it looks even better? I think I'll do that. Meanwhile, I'll make good use of my Nexus One.

The app is smooth and responsive. It could use some more controls when setting up something to play (shuffle all by this artist, etc.). Syncs well, but as has been said, the desktop app is as sluggish as iTunes, and it doesn't have half of the management abilities. Looking forward to the future of this pair of apps.