Joshua Meadows

I'm absolutely stunned by this. Not that Gawker/Gizmodo has ever been a bastion of journalistic integrity, but this is really disgusting. I'm also removing it from my feeds. Is there still an active way to delete an account? The previous method linked on Lifehacker following their server breech does not appear to

I'm not, there's really only one way to fold it and have the magnets attach appropriately in the first place. It will stand for a bit but if I try to use it at all it falls forward.

I've never been able to use mine in that position. It always falls forward, or the folded part crumples. I have three different covers and the problem exists in all of them, so I think it's a design issue.

You need to have the Xcode developer tools installed, I think.

Most storefronts have contractual clauses prohibiting offering a different (lower) price on one store but not another. For example, I sell books on Amazon, iBookstore and Barnes & Noble and they all require that I put titles on sale for the same price or better on their particular storefront as on competitors'. Since

The issue is apparently because EA wants Valve to allow them to make people register for accounts outside of Steam so that EA can market directly to those customers — IE, with spam email and "special offers" — and Valve said no. I think the DLC issue is a smaller part of this because EA were trying to achieve the same

That breach of security was with the forums, on a completely different server, and not at all related to credit card or purchasing details. I have upwards of two hundred games purchased through Steam and I've never had fraudulent access occur with my account. Chances are the problem was the user and not the service.

I'm not sure if this will be far enough down to get any notice but I mentioned this on Kotaku (or maybe Gizmodo?) before —

The Daily Mail is the primary source for this, which should say something at the start.

A couple weeks ago I got an email helpfully letting me know that I successfully purchased $40 worth of points to my account. This was odd for a variety of reasons:

Or it made the point astutely and, failing to argue otherwise, you've resorted to that.

No, I think the comparison was apt. But you didn't answer the question.

Okay Josh, so a guy shooting his wife to death is worse than that same guy going on a mad rampage in a mall and killing thirty people?

You're certainly entitled to your opinion Josh, but I don't think you're getting my point. One act affecting more people absolutely determines its gravity; our opinions on cheating are irrelevant because the fact of the matter is Tiger Woods cheating on his wife only affected Tiger Woods and his wife. It's really not

Maybe, but it has no effect beyond you and your wife.

No, I don't really see a double standard here.

If only the Food Channel could do a similar edit job on her show, I might watch it more.

That's all? From the article I was expecting her to spend the entire segment going on and on about how pussy vegans are ruining the country before chasing her producer off the set with a serrated knife.

I bought a U35JC, and then the Airs were announced about a month later. I bought one immediately.