Joshua Davis

Wow! More storage! How innovative. It was a let down, if you genuinely watched the announcement screaming "OMFG THIS IS SO EXCITING AND NEW"

Thats no defence for not having Warner, because a competitor previously didn't have them. iTunes have all 4 and Google needs them as well. I hope they fix this before it fades into irrelevance like G+.

I have never had that desire, even though there is a lot of sexual tention between my iPhone and Xbox. It's probably because their families would never approve!

lulz ye so Apple has always had battery issues

The iCloud mail UI is my favourite, Apple did a really good job.

Yeah that's the only reason people go with Apple! Just go ask any regular, not tech-savvy person why they brought an iPhone and they'll obviously say "It's because Apple control the hardware and software, which gives there devices a seamless experience and makes it free from all bugs! It just works!"

That is a sexy phone, much better then Nokias Windows Phone efforts.

or "Apple reportedly places a bid to purchase CBS"..

This is a click counting blog, iOS/ iPhone gets clicks.

Siri was down for a few hours and what is wrong with the glass? I haven't noticed anything.

I didn't say they we're fucking identical did I? Yes anyone can tell the difference because one has a huge Apple on it and the other has Samsung plastered all over it. The aspect ratio is different, so is allot of things. But there are allot of parts of Samsung's designs that are allot like Apple's.

Any Android lovers who say Samsung haven't copied Apple is obviously in denial. Its obvious.

Tim Cook trying to protect his products from competition doesn't make him a terrible person.

We get it Macs are getting a hell of allot more viruses now, why do we have to report on every single one?

If you believe Apple should just be nice and be open with everything they do, then you're stupid and would be a terrible CEO.

Trojan bot-nets can be very profitable if big enough, there often a business venture. It's not people who "have nothing better to do".

Only idiots say Macs don't get viruses. Don't accuse the entire Apple community of believing that. All operating systems get viruses.

That patent is expired.

OS X Lion sounds much better than 10.7. It makes it sounds like a much bigger update then just changing 10.6 too 10.7 do, so the average user is more likely to upgrade. This is the same with Ice Cream Sandwich, Mango, etc (even if they are a bit silly).

There just fucking notifications! Google stole almost everything from the iPhone.