
If you get any more, send me one if you can dude. Thanks again!

@Dr. Vrein: Awesome stuff, thanks for the info. Works like a charm and now I'm in love with Spotify. Thanks!

@Kenny: Very...disturbing.

@fearing: @fearing: It's not good to play a game for achievements. No point being online for a single player game anyhow. No idea which looks better though.

@Luffay: I'll second that.

@Christopher Seefeld: Dammit! I must have just bought that like a week before that happened. :(

@Kasuli: Pixeljunk was a great game, one of my favorites on PSN.

Stunning and beautiful. All I have to say.

This looks great, any 2D Mario game is all good with me. Hope it turns out well.

Cydia anyone?

Wow, looks great, NS was one of my favorite mods for HL I have ever played. Brings back memories watching this video. Can't wait till this is complete.

And...I just lost 60% interest in this game. :(

@robinandtami: It helps get the name of this out there though, the last episode was really fun, I would figure this one would be just as fun. Strange approach though...

Here I thought I was the only one who used this tactic.

Wow, cool beans. Can't wait to get my hands on this. :D

Good luck! Last fun racing game I played was Mario Kart 64.

I still wouldn't mind playing this, hope it comes to America soon.

Best article title ever.

These are awesome, I still am using the Gunstar Heroes one he made for my ps3's theme background. Awesome stuff, keep it up Orioto!