He literally punched the taste out of his mouth.
He literally punched the taste out of his mouth.
He’s a national treasure.
Can we please talk about how hot some of these chicks are?
Here we go. Let the pendulum swing from one dumb extreme to the other. However, rednecks brought this on themselves.
You might want to check out some of the excavating being dome at the old Camp Douglas.
Are there any good ghost tours in Charleston? I love a good ghost tour.
Bullshit. It takes long because death penalty opponents literally argue frivolous appeals to delay the process (and then argue the death penalty is wrong because it takes so long and is so expensive).
If you cant draw a distinction between some POS gunning down a middle aged woman during a robbery and the state executing said POS after the due process of a trial and 20 years of frivolous appeals you are a mook.
Yeah, when I think of victims of police misconduct, I think of an underage, over privileged loud mouth with booze bottles and a fake ID getting hassled by the man. It’s right up there with Tamir Rice. Give me a break.
“Focusing on my music and going back to school to study marine biology” sounds like a great plot for a porno.
I truly feel sorry for Vitz Da. Everyone else? Not so much.
It all went to hell when Stabler retired.
Fair enough. I think more people associate it with the french and dutch because they recorded it. And it really is a rotten thing to do to someone.
Actually, it is what the allies did to women who slept with German soldiers. They considered them collaborators.