
I've owned the Harmony 880 and it was simply the worst piece of electronics gear I have ever owned. The interface is not casual as it is made out to be. God forbid you happen to be in the process of sitting down while the remote is going through its sequence of IR signal blasts at your various boxes and it misses one.

I have to second that: Obey the laws. I'm a driver and a cyclist. When I am driving nothing make me madder than cyclist who ignores stop signals. Those laws are in place for safety as well as to keep the trafic moving in a efficient manner. It is embarrassing to me to see cyclist represent the community like that.

That is what I want to see too. I was going to ask the same thing.

I am with dagamer34 on this one. I am taking this opportunity, with Google+, to filter who I share things with. I don't know if I am ready for the whole world to see what I am posting about again.

It is interesting to hear that Podcast popularity is on the decline. I have all but stopped listening to terrestrial radio since discovering podcasts. The content is better and I can take it with me, sync it and listen to it again. I don't understand what is going on. I didn't understand why HD DVD lost out to Blu-Ray

-The Adam Carolla Show

Addiction is so tricky. It is ironic that you called pop your "poison" and that you stated that you know it is bad for you. I used to have similar cravings with tobacco and alcohol. One method that I have learned through the S.M.A.R.T. Recovery method is to 'Ride the Wave'.

Oh baby, that is nice. Great picture too. I love the balance between the windows. I also love the brightness of the room and the option to close of your space with the curtains.

Right on. I loved the article. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read it because I actually burn the calories to write this exact type of thing in my own blog. I do absolutely believe that sometimes people want to act like jerks just because they know that they can get away with it. Sometimes taking the higher road is

I was just looking around for this type of information. I have all the necessary documents and plans in order but I never realized my loved ones don't know how to gain access to what I am leaving them. This information helps me so much. Thank you.

Hmm, that I've never seen that Rainlendar thing. It looks pretty, pretty interesting.

Am I going to be able to use my NAS as a iTunes server with Lion or do I need to to turn my Mac on to use my Apple TV?


I am part of an online work group. One of our first Skype meetings was held the same way we held our face to face meetings...big mistake. The group can't see the subtle nuances in the way our bodies communicate. Our first online meeting was filled with cross talk and disorder. We did not accomplish very much. After a

I love web based everything. Unfortunately I don't live or work where I always have a connection. I want an offline, plan B for Last Pass, Google Docs, gmail, etc. iDisk-esque

I got my my groomsmen knives. I bought them all super nice Buck automatics (switchblades). The knives were not something they could get for themselves so it made it cool. More importantly, the high quality, non-wimpy gift will last them their lifetime and it would be a cool thing that their grandsons to find while

How about the forced updates. I had and my wife has a iPhone 3G that we thought would operate better when we upgraded to 4.o. Not so, it was like replacing a Fiero's engine with a Ferrari's. Our iPhones worked fine, as intended, with 3.0.

I had to buy red pens to use for corrections in one of my classes. I choose the Pilot G-20. It is a great pen, smooth, solid clicks and inexpensive enough to lose. My test runs went splendidly. I have yet to use it on one of my mistakes, since I rarely make them.

This is one of the coolest workspaces that I have seen. Clean, bright and airy. I am am no interior designer, but this style looks like it could stand the test of time.

Good job on the article. The information was interesting but the way it was written was better. I know whats going on, I didn't get bored and I know what to look up if I am still interested. Bravo Zulu.