Josh Salaam

The problem with this statistic (there are actually several on Kellerman’s methodology, but I won’t go into those here) is that the figure of gun deaths includes suicides, a more common cause of gun death in the home than homicides and accidents combined. One can reasonably conclude that, while a gun is one of the

Don’t forget that you can be garbage like Greg oden or michael Beasley and your first round pick status somehow qualifies you to a second or third chance.

I know you’re getting a lot of hate, but I’m with you. The notion of capital exploiting labor here is hard to get behind when these guys will make so much goddamn money and be just as rich as the majority of people who supposedly control the means of production in this world.

Nothing symbolizes Cleveland better than thousands of people outside of an arena named after a predatory loan company, celebrating something occurring California, benefiting million and billionaires that will have exactly no positive impact on their lives.

because the nut shot didn’t make contact—literally no response from James until Windhorst jealously pointed out someone had tried to take his favorite ballwashing position. James then whined to the league LIKE A BITCH.

LeBron really does seem thin skinned, and people who say out loud that they are going to take the high road while continuing their years-long demonstration of passive aggressive behavior annoy the hell out of me. Also, as much as I think James is one of the very few greatest of all time, the Celtics fan in me still

Roger Goodell: [is constantly abused by fans of other 31 NFL teams]

And yet LeBron will get credit for dragging his teams to 6 consecutive finals even though it’s painfully obvious that it’s just the result of a shitty, shitty, conference.

I’m surprised nobody is talking about the moving in-game tributes each team payed to the passing of Muhammad Ali. The Warriors floated like a butterfly while the Cavs seemed to have died 48 hours earlier.

I wonder, if people who received a false positive or false negative of HIV or hepatitis tests would agree with you? She might have stolen more than just money from those people, namely lives, health, hope, a future. But as long as you are happy for her...

I think that’s the entirety of Bill Cosby’s defense.

Without looking at anything just as a casual viewer, is say balance of power has been with the West since Jordan left and LAL, San Antonio, Portland, and Sacramento cane on together with Dallas and Phoenix in there for a few years. Aside from 2004 Detroit it’s seemed like the East has been ”whatever team LeBron is on

If the warriors or thunder had the luxury of playing a bunch of JV teams on their way to the finals I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t be playing so “sloppy.” The Finals is going to look very different than the eastern conference playoffs.

Did someone rob a TJ Maxx in 1993 and save the clothes to dress Durant and Westbrook.

This idiotic Wilbon article is what I would have expected if Whitlock was running that site. I’m normally a pretty calm person, but I was so irrationally mad about this yesterday that if I saw Wilbon on the street I would have screamed at him. He basically wrote an article that says “black people are very emotional

I dipped my toe into the grays. People are missing the joke like the Dude misses his rug.

Thanks, I needed this reminder that my dumb ass got upset over a billionaire’s favorite toy losing...

Your response is far too calm and measured. You’ll never get out of greys at this rate, libtard

Two things. One, removing my vote effectively increases both candidates percentage by lowering the number of votes needed. Two, I’m Canadian so I’m not eligible to vote in your election. My voting or not voting is entirely moot.

Patience. It just happened. We live in an age of instant information. The fact that it probably went down in the Mediterranean instead of the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean as in the case of MH 370,will make recovery much less problematic. No solace to the families of the lost.