Josh Salaam

You mean in that it is self-referential, masturbatory, more or less useless, and divorced from the thesis of the article?

Doesnt exist - causing water molecules to spin and generate heat energy isn’t going to brown shit.

This cat is drugged.

And once again, sexual assault gets swept away, and women get treated like second class citizens cuz ya boy can ball.

Contract law elicits some very strange behavior. Not sure about Kesha’s case, but I’ve noticed that people who sign contracts and later decide they made a mistake can become spectacularly vindictive in their efforts to get out of it.

Goddamn it, that is precisely what he is suing her for: defamation.

Well, this guy seems to have a racially motivated vendetta against Greg/Deadspin. I don’t know if he’s necessarily wrong about Howard though —he seizes upon various Black Lives Matter incidents to write longish pieces that don’t really say anything interesting or provide a fresh perspective beyond the obvious. I’m not

Nah, Howard is a one trick pony riding that BLM bullshit until the wheels fall off. He’s a lazy opportunist and nothing more. He deserves every bit of criticism he gets and more. Let me guess, “DAT’S RAYCESS!!!!” right?

Jezebel and many sites like it often take the stance that basically an allegation of sexual assault should be taken as a guilty verdict. I love coming here and seeing all the different opinions and challenging my preconceptions, but it’s one area I find really disappointing.

I still can’t believe a human being has the real name “Lockhart Steele.”

He also got news that even after passing out on her floor, his girlfriend wasn’t angry anymore.

You're rude as hell

what if...I was realized that and I was talking to other commenters to facilitate discussion in what is always an echo chamber anyway? And what if I said outright I wasn’t referring to Stassa or criticizing her at all?

Previous hires for The Ringer include Bill Simmons, Bill Simmons’ Ego, Bill Simmons’ Second Ego, and Bill Simmons Ego-Carrying Entourage.

I always giggle when media outlets make such a big deal of other media outlets hiring people, and need to list all of their names as if anyone outside of the media gives a crap.


I wouldn’t say her decision was wrong, but the adult male’s decision to seduce a teenage virgin was definitely wrong. That’s a skeevy thing to do, even if the girl views it as a good experience. She’s okay, he’s not okay.

This dogshit post passes for humorous commentary, and I’m still in the grays?

You’re opening yourself up to a lot of flak (here) but the day you turn 18 isn’t some magical day where suddenly you have divine perception and are suddenly a mature adult with clear thought and sound reasoning.

especially when it's other women cutting the woman down. "no, you were obviously confused and disoriented, let me tell you why you were wrong." Seems like the height of irony for smug feminists to take the tone of asshole men...