Josh Salaam

“The fact that most commenters think you are wrong...”

And you think if the first-rounders do get it, the grasping, greedy billionaire owners will simply shrug their shoulders and say, “oh well, guess we’ll just take less money”?

Holy shit.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Disdain born of stupidity has never bothered me and...nope, still doesn’t.

That ain’t harassment, chief. It’s flattery.


That’s precisely what I’m saying.

I dunno.

My issue is not with the money the players make. It’s with being so ass-ignorant as to operate from a mentality that these pro athletes are getting “royally boned.”

Hilarious. To the very end.

Now you know.

If only.


And yet you just can’t quit me.

Now playing

Why don’t you just follow me so you never miss a post?

That’s fine.

And they will get paid. A lot, which is my point.
