
I got into R.E.M. during the Monster period, it was the second CD I ever
purchased, in the fall of 95. I had my mom drive me to the local record
shop, a Spec's music that I  would end up working at in high school. My
family was pretty religious and not too keen on me listening to
"secular" music, so it was kind of a


I had heard good things too. I skipped him at Bonnaroo a few years ago because of a conflict with something else. Now I'm really bummed I missed my chance.

This seems to have happened really suddenly? I feel like he was just playing shows.

I just got laid off from my editing job and I've been looking for a reason to get out of Florida. I'd move to Chicago for this.

Right there with you.

Eddie Vedder is like secretly the biggest nerdy fanboy for so many bands. Dude just loves music.

I really enjoyed the Murmur and Reckoning Deluxe Editions. I love having basically a whole show from each era. I was kind of bummed that the Fables and LRP releases were just demos. I'm really interested to see what they include in future releases. Would love an entire show from Work tour, or even an Up era show for

Interesting. I think have that book around here somewhere.

I've never heard about that. Can you share more or link me to something?

It does seem like there is some kind of Fables renaissance happening here. Let's not forget that Peter Buck said it sucked.

Once bumped into him and Scott McCaughey on the street in Nashville right before a gig, he seriously couldn't have been nicer in the 15 seconds that we spoke.

I've always felt like Pageant was such a clear change. With the big upfront vocals and the crunchy guitars. I can't hear Begin the Begin or These Days on Fables, but I can hear quite a few Fables tracks working alright with Reckoning material.

@avclub-f1cabca05a9a64dd5900cf947a6792ca:disqus I think its just kind of part of the lore. I'm sure the articles and interviews where they mention the specific parts can be tracked down somewhere. But this stuff has been talked about a lot on forums, in liner notes, etc. Although admittedly I'm having a tough time

They've talked a lot about who came up with what parts or who wrote the bulk of a song. Crediting the songwriting with all 4 guys was more of a decision to alleviate any potential tensions regarding royalties and what not.

This is interesting, because I've always lumped Fables in with Chronic Town / Murmur / Reckoning as far as eras of R.E.M. are concerned.

What was the band Mitch was listening to? I kind of thought it was Mudhoney for a second there, because you know, Seattle.

Just looking at the guests, Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright sounds like a good one.

He does do an Interruption podcast. They are bonus episodes in the iTunes store. I think they are two bucks.
