
I couldn't get into it at all. Maybe I need to go back and give it another listen, but I found myself waiting for it to end, which rarely happens with NNF. I enjoyed the bonus episode though, would love if they did more of those.

There has been a lot of hatred…


I lived in the same ghetto. I remember when I was about 14 having a huge fight with my parents because I had started listening to secular music. They insisted that it was because of some kind of peer pressure thing, but it really wasn't. It was because CCM was terrible and there was very little of it.

I don't think there is a single track on that record I would cut. It's a bit long, but there isn't a single song that's necessarily bad or doesn't fit.

I said this elsewhere in the thread, but Up needed an editor. Trim it back by about three songs and cut down some of the songs a bit and I think people respond a bit different to that album.

Up needed an editor. Trim that thing back by 3 songs and shorten a few tracks and its a much more well-received record.

Out of Time = Love album
Automatic = Death album
New Adventures = Travel album

Saw them at Six Flags Atlanta in I wanna say 1994 or maybe 95? It was a big Christian rock festival thing, lasted a whole week.

Having seen DC Talk in concert multiple times as a child, I would read the fuck out of that.

I feel like I've written this article in my head at least a half dozen times. I'm really looking forward to the rest.

That really was a great episode.

This is pretty much the best idea ever.

Seriously, that thing is perfect. I love that record.

Jordan Jesse Go was particularly enjoyable this week. I know people are getting kind of tired of Jesse and Jordan was out, but it was great to hear Mike Schmidt. I enjoy 40 Year Old Boy, but I feel like he is at his funniest when he is bouncing off of other people. Makes me miss the old NNF days.

And now he can go sell more shitty movies to evangelicals. This is like the Charlie Sheen model of fame whoring in reverse.

Whenever Maron puts down a heckler at a show, someone should stand up and yell "You got Maron-ated!"

Pardo deserves a lot more credit. Its great that he can make a living doing it, but it also kind of sucks that he has such a smaller audience because of the paywall.

Maron is ranting about this on Twitter right now.

You know, the more I think about, the more the whole premise of this thing is flawed.